Stronghold Security Products

stronghold security products

Stronghold Website

stronghold website

Secured by Design

Secured by Design

Sold Secure

sold secure

Which Security Product?

caravan and trailer security

Designed in the UK and manufactured to the highest standards, Stronghold is a leading name in caravan, motorhome, vehicle and trailer security solutions. The range includes wheel clamps and hitch locks intended for securing caravans, motorhomes and trailers.

Created in 1987 Stronghold products have continually been improved and developed to meet the demands of an ever changing market place. We provide competitive products that give the consumer the right level of security at the right price and insuring peace of mind. Our products are inventive and feature creative new approaches to vehicle security.

Our goal is to manufacture products that meet the consumer’s expectations of;

  • Quality
  • Insurance Approval
  • Independent testing by recognised third party test companies
  • User friendly and easy of fit – pictorial instructions and fitting videos available
  • After sales support
  • Spares availability

In response to these expectations our Stronghold products commonly feature;

  • Robust anti-saw hardened steel construction
  • Lightweight and compact designs
  • Registered product designs with patented high security pick-free locks, unique to Stronghold
  • Sold Secure certification, recognised by UK insurance companies
  • 5 year manufacturing warranty
  • Online product registration
  • Fitting videos and colour pictorial fitting instructions
  • Full after sales technical support
  • Products supplied with three keys, but a spare key cutting service is available (please note that the key code needs to be recorded on the instructions provided)
  • Keyed alike also available, (special order only) enabling you to secure several vehicles with the same key

We are committed to ensuring that all Stronghold products pass stringent security tests not only in the UK but also in Europe.

Are your security products tested by Sold Secure?
Recent statistics reveal that over 5000 caravans are stolen every year, highlighting the importance of caravan security. Stronghold security products carry Sold Secure Gold standard approvals that offers peace of mind and an opportunity for an insurance discount.

Sold Secure is widely recognised by the general public, Police Crime Prevention Design Advisors and insurance companies for providing high standards of independent product testing. Sold Secure tests security products to ensure the manufacturers are developing and distributing items that meet their claims.

These tests are carried out in accordance with ‘Attack Specifications’. The Sold Secure team of approved testers then carry out the attack specifications that applies to each category. For example, caravan security devices are attacked by drills or large pry bars that professional thieves would carry to steal caravans. When a higher level of security is needed, devices approved to Gold standard are recommended.

You can check if a product has Sold Secure approval by visiting the Sold Secure website.
